
Long-term relationships are important to us and our clients. Since our investment management style is conservative and long-term oriented, there is no basis for a mutually advantageous short-term relationship with clients. Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., is not caught up in the short-sighted, short-term performance mania. Undue portfolio risk is often assumed by those managers who strive for maximum short-term appreciation. Instead, we pursue long-term goals of preservation of principal, income generation, and growth of capital consistent with clients’ risk-tolerance levels. We take our fiduciary responsibility of capital supervision seriously and manage accounts in a prudent manner utilizing trust-quality investments. Our approach seeks to provide clients with above average returns with below average risk. Investors with speculative expectations or short-term time horizons can better be served by other advisers.

As a member of the Investment Adviser Association, we adhere to their Standards of Practice, which emphasize fiduciary and professional responsibility.


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